
切求與恢復 Earnest Prayers and Restoration Play Audio

By 李君山 Jonathan Li

詩歌Hymns: 647 復興你工作 Revive Thy Work              

讀經Scriptures: 詩篇Psalm 132:1-5, 6-7, 8, 9-10, 11-18.


  • 恢復是從禱告開始Restoration starts w/ prayers (v. 1-5).
  • 恢復在尋求神的同在中繼續Restoration continues in earnest pursuit of God’s own presence (v. 6).
  • 神聖交通的恢復帶進敬拜、復興、與安息! The restoration of divine communion brings in worship, revivaland rest (v. 7-8)!
  • 恢復帶進神的兒女正常屬靈的光景:公義、喜樂、與蒙神悅納Restoration brings in normal condition of God’s children: living in righteousness, joy, and God’s acceptance (v. 9-10).
  • 神樂意聼我們切求恢復的禱告 Our God is pleased to answer our prayers for restoration (v. 11-18).

Play Audio

聖徒交通 Fellowship of the Saints


  1. 今天下午1:00點整,我們有靈命進深方面的查經和交通,請弟兄姊妹踴躍參加。
  2. 11/23 (周六)將有感恩福音聚會,請邀請您的朋友參加。1/3-5/2020 的冬令會報名,請向李弟兄登記。
  3. 周五晚7:30查經交通:加拉太書第6章. 周二禱告會: 7:30PM. 主日早晨9:20在會所有讀經。
  4. 為身、心、靈有軟弱的肢體,年輕人,和在旅行的肢體禱告。

 Announcements and Prayers

  1. There will be a deeper spiritual life bible fellowship meeting at 1:00 PM. We invite brothers and sisters to participate with earnest.
  2. There will be a Thanksgiving Gospel meeting on 11/23 (Saturday). Please invite your friends. Please register for the coming Winter conference during 1/3-5/2020 with Bro. Jonathan Li.
  3. Bible fellowship on Gal. 6 at 7:30pm. Prayer: Tue. 7:30pm. Sun. Bible reading: 9:20am.
  4. Pray for the saints in weaknesses in spirit, soul, or body, the youth, and the saints in travel.


西乃之行 The Trip to Arabia Play Audio

Message: 劉以示Ernest Liu

詩歌Hymns: 274 更高之地 (另辭) Higher Ground              

讀經Scriptures: 加 Gal 1:15-18.


  • 為福音真理爭戰 Fighting For The Truth of The Gospel
  • 西乃之行 The Trip to Arabia
  • 從母腹裡就被分別出來Separated for the Lord Before Birth
  • 三位劃時代的人物 Three Epic-Changing Persons
  • 保羅的造詣 The Special Achievements of Paul
  • 心裡火熱 Burning In Spirit
  • 面對自己的挑戰 Facing Your Own Challenge
  • 盡心竭力 With All Your Heart And Strength

Play Audio

更高之地  (另辭) HIGHER GROUND





Im pressing on the upward way,

New heights Im gaining evryday;

Still praying as Im on-ward bound,

Lord, plant my feet on higher ground!

Lord, lift me up and let me stand,

By faith, on heavens tableland, 

A higher plane than I have found;

Lord, plant my feet on higher ground!

2. 我心不欲再受奴役,憂疑恐懼,灰心喪氣;




My heart has no desire to stay,

Where doubts arise and fears dismay, 

Tho some may dwell where these abound,

My prayer, my aim, is higher ground.

Lord, lift me up and let me stand,

By faith, on heavens tableland, 

A higher plane than I have found;

Lord, plant my feet on higher ground!

3. 我要過著超脫生活,不怕撒但,箭火追襲;




I want to live above the world,

Tho Stans darts at me are hurled, 

For faith has caught the joyful sound,

The song of saints on higher ground.

Lord, lift me up and let me stand,

By faith, on heavens tableland, 

A higher plane than I have found;

Lord, plant my feet on higher ground!

4. 我願靠恩上到峰頂,一攬聖城榮耀光景;




I want to scale the utmost height,

And catch a gleam of glory bright; 

But still Ill pray til HeanIve found,

Lord, lead me on to higher ground.

Lord, lift me up and let me stand,

By faith, on heavens tableland, 

A higher plane than I have found;

Lord, plant my feet on higher ground!



  1. 今天下午1:00點整,我們有靈命進深方面的查經和交通,請弟兄姊妹踴躍參加。
  2. 11月23日(周六)我們將有感恩福音聚會,12月21日(周六)我們將有年終福音聚會,請弟兄姊妹特別爲此代禱。
  3. 周五晚7:30查經交通:加拉太書第5章. 周二禱告會: 7:30PM. 主日早晨9:20在會所有讀經。
  4. 為身、心、靈有軟弱的肢體,年輕人,和在旅行的肢體禱告。

 Announcements and Prayers

  1. There will be a deeper spiritual life bible fellowship meeting at 1:00 PM. We invite brothers and sisters to participate with earnest.
  2. There will be a Thanksgiving Gospel meeting on 11/23 (Saturday) and a year-end Gospel meeting on 12/21 (Saturday). Please pray for these special meetings so that Lord will gain many souls for His Kingdom.
  3. Bible fellowship on Gal. 5 at 7:30pm. Prayer: Tue. 7:30pm. Sun. Bible reading: 9:20am. Thank the Lord for the completion of the New Believers’ Class.
  4. Pray for the saints in weaknesses in spirit, soul, or body, the youth, and the saints in travel.


完滿的恢復 Fullness of Restoration Play Audio

By 李君山 Jonathan Li 

詩歌Hymns: 261 我豈可再冷淡退後?  How Can I Ever Stay Away?           

讀經Scriptures: 士 Judges 21:25; 得 Ruth 1:16-17, 2:8,20,22,3:18,4:11-22.


  • 異象的恢復The Restoration of the Heavenly Vision
  • 恢復的起點 The Starting Point of Restoration
  • 恢復的過程The Process of Restoration
  • 恢復的工作 The Work of Restoration
  • 完滿的恢復 The fullness of Restoration

Play Audio

聖徒交通 Fellowship of the Saints


  1. 今天下午1:00點整,有月末的例行事奉聚會,請留步參加。
  2. 感謝主初信造就班完滿結束,從下主日起,我們下午有靈命進深的交通,請弟兄姊妹爲此代禱。
  3. 周五晚7:30查經交通:加拉太書第4章. 周二禱告會: 7:30PM. 主日早晨9:20在會所有讀經。
  4. 為身、心、靈有軟弱的肢體,年輕人,和在旅行的肢體禱告。

 Announcements and Prayers

  1. Monthly service meeting at 1:00 PM.
  2. Starting next Lord’s day afternoon, there will be a deeper spiritual life fellowship time after lunch, please pray for this coming new fellowship time.
  3. Bible fellowship on Gal. 4 at 7:30pm. Prayer: Tue. 7:30pm. Sun. Bible reading: 9:20am. Thank the Lord for the completion of the New Believers’ Class.
  4. Pray for the saints in weaknesses in spirit, soul, or body, the youth, and the saints in travel.


盡在不言中All in the Unspoken Words Play Audio

劉以示Ernest Liu

詩歌Hymns: 688 願主為我擘開生命的餅 (另辭)    Break Thou the Bread of Life              

讀經Scriptures: 林後 2 Cor. 12:1-10.


  1. 第三層天和樂園 The Third Heaven and the Paradise
  2. 盡在不言中 All in the Unspoken Words
  3. 弦外之音 Implication
  4. 失落的年代 The Lost Years
  5. 失落的原因 The Reason for Being Lost
  6. 恩典夠用 Sufficient Grace
  7. 得啟示的關鍵 The Key to Receiving Revelation

Play Audio

聖徒交通 Fellowship of the Saints


  1. 9/29主日下午5點在梁弟兄家有外燴燒烤聚餐交通, 地點在20442 Prestina Way, Walnut, 有心願參加冬令會的弟兄姊妹歡迎前去,請與君山弟兄登記。
  2. 9/29月末主日的愛筵改爲外送,弟兄姊妹不必帶菜來。
  3. 今天下午12:45分有初信造就班,請有負擔的肢體踴躍參加。
  4. 周五晚7:30查經交通:加拉太書第3章. 周二禱告會: 7:30PM. 主日早晨9:20在會所有讀經。
  5. 為身、心、靈有軟弱的肢體,年輕人,和在旅行的肢體禱告。

 Announcements and Prayers

  1. There will be a BBQ gathering on Winter conference at Bro. Liang’s at 20442 Prestina Way, Walnut on 9/29 @ 5:00 pm. If you are burdened, you are welcome to attend. Please inform Br. Jonathan.
  2. We will order food for next Sunday, so bringing food is not needed.
  3. The last New Believers’ Class will be held this afternoon at 12:45 PM, please join this class if you burdened to serve or learn.
  4. Bible fellowship on Gal. 3 at 7:30pm. Prayer: Tue. 7:30pm. Sun. Bible reading: 9:20am.
  5. Pray for the saints in weaknesses in spirit, soul, or body, the youth, and the saints in travel.


神恢復的工作 God’s Work of Restoration Play Audio

信 息/講 員 Message: 李君山Jonathan Li 

詩歌 Hymns: 601 我豈可去,雙手空空? Must I Go and Empty-handed?           

讀經Scriptures: 詩篇Psalm 126.


  • 神恢復的工作乃是神永遠的旨意的一部分God’s work of restoration is an integral part of God’s eternal purpose.
  • 神恢復工作的特點 The Characteristics of God’s Work of Restoration:
    1. 是神奇妙的作爲:我們好像做夢的人The Wonderful Work of God: We were like them that dream.
    2. 喜樂的恢復:我們滿口喜笑,滿舌歡呼 The Joy of Restoration:Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with rejoicing.
    3. 是耶和華為我們行了大事Jehovah hath done great things for us.
    4. 像南地的河水復流 As the streams start to flow again in the South!
  • 神恢復的工作的果效:流淚撒種的,必歡呼收割!The Outcome of God’s Restoration Work: They that sow in tears shall reap in joy.

Play Audio

聖徒交通 Fellowship of the Saints


  1. 感謝主本周六在海邊(Del Rey Lagoon)的特別燒烤迎新福音聚餐聚會有主的同在與祝福,並有多人參加,求主繼續帶領參與者來到我們中間,一同聚會敬拜主!
  2. 請為史弟兄在台灣爲期三周的服事代禱。
  3. 今天下午12:45分有初信造就班,請有負擔的肢體踴躍參加。
  4. 周五晚7:30查經交通:加拉太書第2章. 周二禱告會: 7:30PM. 主日早晨9:20在會所有讀經。
  5. 為身、心、靈有軟弱的肢體,年輕人,和在旅行的肢體禱告。

 Announcements and Prayers

  1. Thank the Lord for many who came to our special New Comer Welcome BBQ gathering at Del Rey Lagoon yesterday. May the Lord continue to draw many people to join our regular gatherings.
  2. Please pray for Bro. Sze who will serve the Lord in Taiwan for about three weeks.
  3. New Believers’ Class will be held this afternoon at 12:45 PM, please join this class if you burdened to serve or learn.
  4. Bible fellowship on Gal. 2 at 7:30pm. Prayer: Tue. 7:30pm. Sun. Bible reading: 9:20am.
  5. Pray for the saints in weaknesses in spirit, soul, or body, the youth, and the saints in travel.