
以弗所書信息 第一篇 神浩大的救恩 Message One: Such A Great Salvation of God 

信 息/講 員Message: 史伯誠 Newman Sze

詩歌Hymns: 98 美哉、善哉,羔羊的新歌 Wonderful Grand New Song of the Lamb

讀經Scriptures: 以弗所書Ephesians 1:3-5,6-7,10-12, 1:13-14,19-23.


  • 父神的浩大救恩 The Great Salvation of God
    • 在基督裏揀選了我們 Chosen Us in Christ
    • 得兒子的名分 Adopted Us as Sons (Sonship)
  • 神兒子的浩大救恩 The Great Salvation of the Son of God
    • 愛子的血救贖了我們 The blood of His beloved Son has redeemed us.
    • 使一切所有的都在基督裏同歸於一 Sum Up All Things in Christ
  • 聖靈的浩大救恩 The Great Salvation of the Holy Spirit
    • 聖靈的印記 Holy Spirit as Seal
    • 聖靈作樣品 Holy Spirit as Sample
  • 教會是基督的身體,是那充滿萬有者的豐滿 The Church is the body of Christ, the fulness of Him who fills all in all.

Play Audio

聖徒交通 Fellowship of the Saints 11/24/2019


  1. 今天下午1:00點整,我們有月末事奉聚會,請弟兄姊妹參加。
  2. 為昨晚的感恩見證聚會感謝主!求主藉此復興祂的教會!
  3. 11/28, 5pm (周四)在李弟兄家(3968 Inglewood Blvd, #2, door code: #1984),有感恩聚餐potluck聚會,邀請肢體都能參加。
  4. 12/21日(周六)有年終福音聚會,請弟兄姊妹切切爲此代禱!
  5. 周二晚上禱告會: 7:30 PM. 周五晚上7:30 PM有查經交通: 以弗所書第6. 主日早晨9:20 AM在會所有讀經。
  6. 為身、心、靈有軟弱的肢體,年輕人,和在旅行的肢體禱告。

Announcements and Prayers

  1. There will be an end-of-the-month service meeting at 1:00 PM. We encourage brothers and sisters to participate with earnest.
  2. Thank the Lord for last night’s Thanksgiving Gospel meeting!
  3. You are invited to Thanksgiving Day potluck gathering at Bro. Li’s home at 3968 Inglewood Blvd, #2, door code: #1984 on 11/28, Thursday, 5:00 PM.
  4. Year-end Gospel meeting on 12/21(Sat), please pray for this!
  5. Prayer: Tuesday night. 7:30 PM. Friday night Bible fellowship on Ephesians 6 at 7:30 PM. Sunday morning Bible reading: 9:20 AM.
  6. Pray for the saints in weaknesses in spirit, soul, or body, the youth, and the saints in travel.
Posted in General.