春令會 2024-05-11/12

2024 南加基督徒聚会 春令会
2024 Spring Conference of
Southern California Christian Assembly
Theme: Aligning with God and the Perspective of Life

講員﹕ 陈瑞曾 弟兄
梁殷宗宣姊妹 (英譯)

05-11-2024 第一堂: 从伊甸园到新天新地
From the Garden of Eden to the New Heaven and New Earth

05-11-2024 第二堂: 与神对齐的两面
Two Key Alignments with God—Natural and Supernatural

05-12-2024 第三堂: 时候满足,神家成熟
The House of God Will Be Fully Grown at the Fullness of Time

Posted in General, Message 信息.