2014 Testimony of Christ Mission Summer Conference (Handbook) 2014基督見證使團夏令會 (手冊下載) |
08/29/2014 | 史伯誠 Newman Sze |
第一篇:神是四圍火城,並作其中榮耀 God is a wall of fire around us and the glory within |
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08/30/2014 | 第二篇:聖靈的之事的日子與神偉大的見證人 Days of the Holy Spirit and God’s great witnesses |
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08/31/2014 | 第三篇:聖靈的日子與教會的復興 Days of the Holy Spirit and the revival of the church |
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09/01/2014 | 第四篇:煉金之火與漂布之鹼 The refiner’s fire and the launderer’s soap |
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08/30/2014 | 吳爾尼 Ernest Waldvogel |
第一篇:在我們裏面的榮耀呼召我們成爲聖潔 The glory within calls us to holiness |
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08/31/2014 | 第二篇:裏面的聖靈使我們可以過聖潔的生活 The Spirit within enables us to live a holy life |
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08/31/2014 | Praise and Worship (English Group) | 錄像 | |
08/30/2014 | 史守微 | 工作坊:見證分享 | 錄像 |
08/31/2014 | 弟兄姊妹 | 工作坊:見證分享 | 錄像 |