
By Faith Isaac…: The Son of Promise

講員 Speaker: 李君山Jonathan Li

讀經Scriptures: [expand 創Genesis 17:15-16, 19; 出Exodus 3:6; 希Hebrews 11:17-20; 羅Romans 9:7-9]

創Genesis 17:15-16, 19
17:15 [hgb] 神 又 对 亚 伯 拉 罕 说 , 你 的 妻 子 撒 莱 , 不 可 再 叫 撒 莱 , 她 的 名 要 叫 撒 拉 。
[kjv] And God said unto Abraham, As for Sarai thy wife, thou shalt not call her name Sarai, but Sarah shall her name be.
[bbe] And God said, As for Sarai, your wife, from now her name will be not Sarai, but Sarah.
17:16 [hgb] 我 必 赐 福 给 她 , 也 要 使 你 从 她 得 一 个 儿 子 。 我 要 赐 福 给 她 , 她 也 要 作 多 国 之 母 。 必 有 百 姓 的 君 王 从 她 而 出 。
[kjv] And I will bless her, and give thee a son also of her: yea, I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of people shall be of her.
[bbe] And I will give her a blessing so that you will have a son by her: truly my blessing will be on her, and she will be the mother of nations: kings of peoples will be her offspring.
17:19 [hgb] 神 说 , 不 然 , 你 妻 子 撒 拉 要 给 你 生 一 个 儿 子 , 你 要 给 他 起 名 叫 以 撒 。 我 要 与 他 坚 定 所 立 的 约 , 作 他 后 裔 永 远 的 约 。
[kjv] And God said, Sarah thy wife shall bear thee a son indeed; and thou shalt call his name Isaac: and I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his seed after him.
[bbe] And God said, Not so; but Sarah, your wife, will have a son, and you will give him the name Isaac, and I will make my agreement with him for ever and with his seed after him.
出Exodus 3:6
3:6 [hgb] 又 说 , 我 是 你 父 亲 的 神 , 是 亚 伯 拉 罕 的 神 , 以 撒 的 神 , 雅 各 的 神 。 摩 西 蒙 上 脸 , 因 为 怕 看 神 。
[kjv] Moreover he said, I am the God of thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses hid his face; for he was afraid to look upon God.
[bbe] And he said, I am the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. And Moses kept his face covered for fear of looking on God.
希Hebrews 11:17-20
11:17 [hgb] 亚 伯 拉 罕 因 着 信 , 被 试 验 的 时 候 , 就 把 以 撒 献 上 。 这 便 是 那 欢 喜 领 受 应 许 的 , 将 自 己 独 生 的 儿 子 献 上 。
[kjv] By faith Abraham, when he was tried, offered up Isaac: and he that had received the promises offered up his only begotten son,
[bbe] By faith Abraham made an offering of Isaac, when he was tested: and he with whom the agreement had been made gave up as an offering the only son of his body,
11:18 [hgb] 论 到 这 儿 子 曾 有 话 说 , 从 以 撒 生 的 才 要 称 为 你 的 后 裔 。
[kjv] Of whom it was said, That in Isaac shall thy seed be called:
[bbe] Of whom it had been said, From Isaac will your seed take their name:
11:19 [hgb] 他 以 为 神 还 能 叫 人 从 死 里 复 活 。 他 也 仿 佛 从 死 中 得 回 他 的 儿 子 来 。
[kjv] Accounting that God was able to raise him up, even from the dead; from whence also he received him in a figure.
[bbe] Judging that God was able to give life even to the dead; and because of this he did get him back as if from death.
11:20 [hgb] 以 撒 因 着 信 , 就 指 着 将 来 的 事 , 给 雅 各 以 扫 祝 福 。
[kjv] By faith Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau concerning things to come.
[bbe] By faith Isaac, blessing Jacob and Esau, gave news of things to come.
羅Romans 9:7-9
9:7 [hgb] 也 不 因 为 是 亚 伯 拉 罕 的 后 裔 , 就 都 作 他 的 儿 女 。 惟 独 从 以 撒 生 的 , 才 要 称 为 你 的 后 裔 。
[kjv] Neither, because they are the seed of Abraham, are they all children: but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.
[bbe] And they are not all children because they are the seed of Abraham; but, In Isaac will your seed be named.
9:8 [hgb] 这 就 是 说 , 肉 身 所 生 的 儿 女 , 不 是 神 的 儿 女 。 惟 独 那 应 许 的 儿 女 , 才 算 是 后 裔 。
[kjv] That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the children of God: but the children of the promise are counted for the seed.
[bbe] That is, it is not the children of the flesh, but the children of God’s undertaking, who are named as the seed.
9:9 [hgb] 因 为 所 应 许 的 话 是 这 样 说 , 到 明 年 这 时 候 我 要 来 , 撒 拉 必 生 一 个 儿 子 。
[kjv] For this is the word of promise, At this time will I come, and Sarah shall have a son.
[bbe] For this is the word of God’s undertaking, At this time will I come, and Sarah will have a son.



    一、 高處的生命与深処的生命
    The Higher Life & The Deeper Life
    二、 以撒的神
    God of Isaac
    三、 以撒愛以扫的野味
    Isaac’s Weakness-Carnal Love
    四、 結語

聖 徒 交 通

1. 周五晚7:30查經交通:林前11. 周二晚禱告會: 7:30PM. 主日早晨9:20-9:50在教會有讀經時間.
2. 这个周六 4月13日9:00在教會集合Carpool去Huntington Library, 10:00入園遊覽,請向兆文或衛東弟兄報名。
3. 基督見證使團今年夏令會已開始報名,請盡早報名參加。
4. 為羅伯伯,史師母的身體禱告,求主保守醫治。

Announcements and Prayers:
1. Friday night meeting on 1 Corinthians 11 at 7:30 PM. Prayer meeting: Tuesday night 7:30 PM. Sunday morning Bible reading time: 9:20 – 9:50 AM.
2. We will meet in Church at 9:00 on Saturday (4/13) this week for Spring outing at Huntington Library. Register with Bro. Yang or Bro. Xiong.
3. 2019 Summer Conference of Testimony of Christ Mission registration is open. Please register early to attend.
4. Pray for elder Brother Lowe, Sister Sze’s health.

Posted in General, Message 信息.