
信 息/講 員Message: 史伯誠Newman Sze


Ephesians Lesson 6: The Church is the Mighty Warrior

詩歌Hymns: 671 超乎萬名之上的名

            The Name Which Is Above Every Name

讀經Scriptures: Eph. 6:5-8, 10-17, 18-20, 23-24.


  • 甘心事奉必得主的賞賜。 With good will doing service,

    the same shall he receive again from the Lord. 

  • 教會是偉大的戰士與屬靈的爭戰The Church is the

    Mighty Warrior and The Spiritual Warfare

  • 穿起神的全副軍裝。Put on the Full Amor of God.
  • 代禱的請求與代禱的重要The Request for Intercession

    and the Importance of Intercession

Play Audio

聖徒交通 Fellowship of the Saints 2/2/2020


  1. 緊急代禱:請弟兄姊妹切切紀念,在中國大陸及世界各地受到武漢肺炎病毒感染的情形,求主伸出大能的手來醫治、拯救、並安慰疫區的人,在大災難中使多人轉向主,回到主的懷抱!
  2. 求主新的一年在我們中間作祂復興的工作,使我們聚會的人數早日添滿!
  3. 周二晚上禱告會: 7:30 PM. 周五晚上7:30 PM有查經交通: 帖撒羅尼迦前書第2. 主日早晨9:20 AM在會所有讀經。
  4. 為身、心、靈有軟弱的肢體,年輕人,和在旅行的肢體禱告。

Announcements and Prayers

  1. Special prayer request: Please pray earnestly for those who were affected by the novel coronavirus worldwide (especial Wuhan, China).  May the Lord show His mercy and stretch out His might hand and heal the land, in the same time to save many souls!
  2. Please continue to pray for the Lord to revive His work among us so that our meeting place will be filled by His chosen ones!
  3. Prayer: Tues. night. 7:30 PM. Fri. night Bible fellowship on I Thessalonians 2 at 7:30 PM. Sun. morning Bible reading: 9:20 AM.
  4. Pray for the saints in weaknesses in spirit, soul, or body, the youth, and the saints in travel.
Posted in General, Message 信息.